I make really good chocolate chip cookies. This is a fact and not a feeling. The world goes wild for them. I'm not kidding. And so whenever I have been a little too nasty, I whip up a batch to patch things up with whomever I have offended. This time it was the general. I've been much too snappy with the general. This batch, as always, was splendid and was working remarkably well reminding my husband he does truly love me.
At dinner this evening, our beloved Kraken was very nearly nodding off in his high chair. (I have always admired the pictures of other children falling asleep whilst eating. However, my son has only once been that tired. We forced him to run a marathon a while back and even then he wasn’t tired enough to conk out at the dinner table.) There’s no way we were putting the Kraken to bed at 5:30pm. NO way. He would be rip-roaring ready to go at 4:30am, and I don’t function that early. So being the fantastic parents that we are, we offered him a cookie to pump some life back into his little self, if only for another 45 minutes.
He refused. (He is two and was awfully tired.) Daddy popped the cookie in his mouth and moved on . . . to my cookie which lay innocently half eaten on the counter. The Kraken promptly let out a moan of mourning and sadness, “Ohhhhhhhhhh. Daddy ate momma’s cookie! Poor momma.” What a sweet little thing. Then he added, “No get to eat my cookie either.” No Kraken you didn’t. What a mean daddy.
So I did what any mother would do, I reinforced that momma loves him more and offered him another cookie. The Kraken then wedged himself between my leg and the island and under the overhang of the countertop, a protective cave of sorts. There he stayed until he munched his cookie into crumbs. Happy and satisfied he bounded away to play until his sugar buzz wore off.
I guess the moral of the story is if my son develops a fear of eating in front of others, it is daddy’s fault.
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