In case this is your first foray into the world of The Kraken, or you live under a rock, my son is a bit, uh, high energy. My world revolves around the daily pursuit of exhausting activities. Like all good mothers, I occasionally throw the ABCs into the mix or have him count to 180 during his 3 minute timeout, (The Kraken shall be educated), but in general I am always on the lookout for feats of physical daring. Typically, I succeed only in tiring out my already exhausted self.
And then suddenly out of nowhere my fantastical brain decided to kick in and make a suggestion. Hooray! Let’s use the power of color to soothe and calm the beast. And so I embarked on a quest to find the most calming color palette for a three year old boy’s room. Something so peaceful he would have no choice but to slip into a state of quiet for at least 10 hours.
I packed up the family and drove to the paint store with every intention of buying sleepy green or daydream blue or puffy cloud white but instead bought something much different. You see, I made the classic blunder. I asked my son what he thought his room should look like. He flashed a crooked little smile, tipped his head, accentuated that one dimple and told me.
And I caved.
The Kraken’s room is now orange. Bright orange. Okay so not really. Only two walls are orange. I’m not that stupid. The other two walls have two large racing stripes with either a green or orange stripe running through the center. And while it is possible this room is bright enough to keep the entire neighborhood awake, when he saw the finished product I got a, “Oh. My. Gosh. Thanks Mommy. This so awesome.” And that is totally worth it.
Who needs sleep anyway?
Perhaps you should try daydream blue or puffy white cloud for your own room!