Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I don't think it is going to fit in there.

The mommy-mobile comes in many shapes and some particularly large sizes. Let’s face it, kids come with a whole bunch of crap that needs to be hauled around. My super uncool vehicle of choice is the soccer mommy minivan. Its interior is completely crusted over with cheerios residue that I swear will one day be scraped off, but it allows me to carry two mythological creatures, all their crap, groceries and a can of coke. We are happy. Sometimes I will look at another mother’s choice in transportation and cringe at the thought of parking, going in reverse or negotiating that twisty thing in the parking garage of the airport, but I will not chastise someone for possessing more bravery than I, to each her own.

I would say my mom van handles fairly well. I haven’t gotten myself into a situation that I couldn’t appropriately maneuver out of. Heck, I can park that thing in my oddly configured garage-driveway combination, which coincidently, my husband told me couldn’t be done. (And I have only hit the house once!) I am not however about to enter the van into some sort of obstacle course competition. There are limits to what I can do.

Some have yet to understand the limits of their ever so slightly oversized vehicles. Or perhaps, more people than just myself slept through two semesters of physics. At any rate, I have a new favorite form of entertainment. I call it “pick up your kid at preschool” time. The Kraken attends preschool at a fantastic little school that has any even smaller, less fantastic parking lot. Knowing that space was limited the parking spot painter person made the spaces as small as possible to accommodate the most Mini-Coopers as he could. Since he still had half a can of paint remaining when he was finished, he continued to paint around a curve and up a small hill. Woe to the SUV that ventures up that hill.

I made the mistake of being on time to release The Kraken from his first day of preschool and had to park way too far down the street for the muscles in my left arm responsible for carrying The Siren to handle. So now I get to school way too early, find a prime parking space and watch the mayhem. There are no rules! It really makes me much happier than it probably should. I literally laugh out loud and what frazzled mothers attempt under the influence of baby brain. (For the record, I am not laughing at these woman. These are my people.) So today, I was allowed to watch as a Honda Element attempted to back into a spot, (good idea, poor execution, tiny margin for error), no less than 8 times. She finally gave up and drove up the hill. I never saw her again . . .

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