Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Bible Tells Me So

My little Siren just turned two and my goodness does she have a whole lot to say. Not to brag or anything, but she already counts to ten, recites the ABCs and sings all the words to many songs. I know this isn’t all that exciting to other mothers with daughters, but I had The Kraken first who struggled to say much of anything by age two. I guess he was just too busy climbing and running and skipping and running and climbing and running to work on his language skills. I’m still trying to decide if I prefer listening to endless blabber or sprinting through the mall after a rouge toddler. Ahh, the difference between boys and girls.

My little chatterbox also has the uncanny ability to know the very moment when she is pushing a button with her brother or walking right along the line of good behavior and not so good behavior. Again, a skill many a-toddler has picked up along the way, but amusing none the less. For example, to instantly piss off her brother, The Siren will simply call The Kraken “Luke Skywalker.” The Kraken has recently decided that he is Anikan Skywalker. That small dig will begin a back and forth war that can last for hours. Luke! No Anikan! Luke! No Anikan! Uggg. I think I hate Star Wars.

Her most recent trick is to melt momma’s heart with a beautiful rendition of, “Jesus loves me this I know.” At some point she realized momma really enjoyed hearing her sing about Jesus. Here is the new version: “Jesus loves me this I know, For the Bible tells me POOP!” Cue insane laughter from both babies. I don’t think this delightful change in the lyrics is going away anytime soon, but hey, at least the kids are getting along!

I can’t wait to be pull aside by the nursery worker at church to explain this one . . .

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahaha Hey God created poop. But admit, it is funny, maybe not as funny as it is to them though. Kids (and grown men) love potty humor!
