Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Irish Whiskey and a Battle Axe

We bought my son an axe.

I thought about ending with that statement, but as we know my son is 3 and crazy so perhaps I should offer a bit of explanation.

My family crashed the Irish festival to discover all things Ireland, and we were not disappointed: Irish dogs, Irish food, Irish fiddling, Irish dancing, Irish clothing, Irish beer. It was all awesome, well mostly. In all my years attending this festival I have never been able to catch the Irish dancing portion. The tents are always packed, and I am a people-a-phobe. On this day, I was determined to see some cute little kids with their curls bouncing. The dancers emerged from their holding area, nary a curl to be found, nary a cute little Irish child to be seen. This was the 60 and over dance club. And while I applaud your efforts, (I certainly won’t be dancing at that age), it left a little something to be desired. Sorry ladies.

During the shopping bit of our trip, The Kraken wandered into a wood-worker’s shop that makes, among other things, weapons for children. This shop kindly places their skillfully hand-carved swords, axes and shields out in the walkway for any and every child to literally stumble upon. The Kraken was smitten with a battle axe. For the record, we did not buy the axe on the first pass. We were both hoping his little mind could be focused (or manipulated) in another direction. But no, we were not that lucky.

We entered the festival for free thanks to a nonperishable food donation for the hungry and left with bellies full of corned beef and other Irish delights. Oh, and a handcrafted wooden implement of destruction. It was a great day.

It could have been worse though. I was pretty close to buying a miniature kilt for The Kraken. (They were so stinking tiny and so stinking cute.) That would have sent us straight to therapy for sure.

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