Friday, August 19, 2011

You are what you eat

My sister and I have been rocking a new workout system. We have a chart complete with stickers to prove it. What I don't have however is the weight loss to go along with it. I'm not aiming for much loss. Just a few pounds I packed back on during the move followed by a carbon monoxide leak scare, followed by police pounding on my door at 1 am, followed by a gigantic tub leak that affected 3 floors, followed by a son who refuses to sleep past 5:30am. I'm a little stressed and a little overwhelmed and a bit of an emotional eater. My jeans are a bit snug producing my favorite aliment, the muffin-top.

Anyway, the woman who relentlessly chirps at my sister and I to "shake it" also implied writing down everything that I eat will help me really see where I can make changes. After two weeks without any poundage lost I took her advice. Here is yesterday's list. . .

Bowl of Cereal
Hershey Bar
Ham sandwich
Necco Wafers
Granola Bar
Corn Bread
Necco Wafers

Wow. That Granola bar in the middle of the day really killed me.

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