Friday, September 24, 2010

The Kraken speaks

Some of my favorite speeches from my little man . . .

~With butt thrust high in the air "Momma! Watch me toot."

~I walked into the room where previously an entire sofa was covered with clean, folded and sorted clothing, but now the clothing was all over the room. When I asked my guilty toddler what happened he replied, "Big big big guy in room. Big mess. Ran outside. All gone."

~"Candy bar please. Daddy said ok." Um, daddy was at work.

~I sat down to change him into his pjs and he said "No momma. Space. Need my space."

~"Rosie eat vegetables. Just a little. Good share!" He was trying to get rid Rosie to eat the food he didn't want.

~I was really sad the other day and started crying. The Kraken came over, planted a big kiss on my cheek and said "OK momma. No sad. Everything ok." Then I got a big hug.

~Every night he asks to read "a couple books."

~We were driving around a neighborhood when from the back seat I heard "No look at houses momma. So tired of look at houses. No want new house." Perhaps we do that a little too often : )

I find it rather amazing what a little 2 year old mind can come up with!